

We believe in God’s divine order and perfect plans for His people. Our purpose is to create a welcoming, relational, mission driven, and family-style environment. We focus on a unified approach to understanding God’s true plan for individuals which is to fulfill their purpose, and establishing legacy that glorifies Him.


ONE Church ATL teaches Christians to have a “One God. One Church. One Mission.” mentality. We focus on evangelizing God’s word to live a committed life to Jesus. Because we are Christians, we should understand and pursue lifestyles that are consistent with biblical values. In order to exhibit these values, we must thoroughly understand God’s word. Therefore, ONE Church ATL focuses on in-depth bible-based instruction by teaching the scripture not only in its context, but also chronologically and comprehensively. Our focus will be to teach God’s order for all things related to life. We will devote necessary resources to bolster efforts to compliment corporate teachings with thriving affinity ministries. ONE Church ATL is a bible-based, non-denominational Christian Church experience with a heavy emphasis on growing individuals in their pursuit of Christ-likeness. Discipleship is a priority of the church. We will challenge members to personally grow in their walk with Christ by teaching individuals to gain an introspective approach to Christianity. We believe that Christians are “set apart,” that God has a purpose for everyone and that they should live their lives that way. (Matthew 7:21). We believe in carrying out the “Great Commission” as commanded by Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19). We will use the church and church-related instruction as preparation to share “the good news.”


Realizing the cause of Jesus Christ to bring “ONEness” to the world, we commit to bridging the gap demonstrating His love and extending His “Commission” to make disciples around the world. (Matthew 28:19-20)

  1. To offer a strong exegetical, contextual, and comprehensive teaching model with an aim to facilitate complete and total Christian maturity. As a part of this model, doctrinal and theologically sound instruction on Sundays will be complimented by in-depth bible study to understand Christian church history, development, and its foundations. In addition, our maturity model will consist of Apologetics studies to train individuals to defend the Christian faith with confidence. (1 Peter 3:15)
  2. To support the growth and development of youth from infants to young adults through biblical teaching and practical interactive learning systems.
  3. To establish a strong missional presence in our local community with an intentional emphasis on restoration.
  4. To sustain and grow our marriage enrichment model including instruction on courtship, pre-marital courses, consistent marriage seminars and coaching.
  5. To continue the growth and sustainability of an unparalleled Men’s ministry, consisting of an army of Spirit-filled warriors, completely walking in divine purpose and God-given identity.
  6. To operate as ONE Heart joined in the spirit of Christ and focus on displaying the unity of sisterhood through fellowship, love and maturity through God’s word in our exceptional Women’s ministry.
  7. To move into the church’s first “home” with little to no debt. To also build a multi-purpose facility to serve as a bridge to our community.
  8. To foster our family-focused fellowship to sustain a unified church membership.
  9. To establish a healthy, sustainable benevolence structure to support members who are in a season of financial need. The structure would be attached to a cooperative job database tool.
  10. To teach and foster financial freedom through intense study of God’s word surrounding responsible stewardship of His resources.